Admissions Process
All enrollment applications and fees are processed through FACTS. You will be required to set up a user name and password in FACTS. Application fees are collected through FACTS at the time of application.
Please take a moment to read our Statement of Faith and Parent Handbook prior to application. If you would like to request more information prior to applying, please let our office know by submitting the Information Request Form.
If you are interested in applying for the upcoming school year, click the Apply Now button.
Please take a moment to read our Statement of Faith and Parent Handbook prior to application. If you would like to request more information prior to applying, please let our office know by submitting the Information Request Form.
If you are interested in applying for the upcoming school year, click the Apply Now button.
Admissions Checklist:
• Schedule a tour.
• Enrollment Application: Please submit one application for each student through FACTS.
• Application Fee: $200/family due at the time of application on FACTS. This fee is refunded if the school denies the student admission.
• Entrance Testing: 1st through 12th grade students may need to take a diagnostic test to determine placement. All Kindergarten students are tested. Testing is done at
the school at no additional charge.
• Schedule a tour.
• Enrollment Application: Please submit one application for each student through FACTS.
• Application Fee: $200/family due at the time of application on FACTS. This fee is refunded if the school denies the student admission.
• Entrance Testing: 1st through 12th grade students may need to take a diagnostic test to determine placement. All Kindergarten students are tested. Testing is done at
the school at no additional charge.
After the application and payment is received, a records request will be sent to the previous school. The application, records, and entrance test results will be reviewed and a letter of acceptance or denial will be sent.
After Acceptance to MVCA
Records: Applicants for kindergarten must have a copy of their birth certificate, immunization record, and kindergarten physical exam supplied to the school prior to the first day of classes. 1st-12th grade students transferring from another school or home school should have current immunization and school records. It is the parents’ responsibility to make sure all necessary records are kept current.
Tuition Payments: If the student is accepted, parents will sign a financial contract to indicate their preferred payment method.
Tuition assistance applications are made through FACTS. For additional information or help with the financial forms, please contact our Director of Finance, Mr. Gary Bordelon.
Class Scheduling: Secondary students will make their class and elective selections.
Code of Conduct: Parents and students will review and sign the Student Code of Conduct agreement.
Tuition Payments: If the student is accepted, parents will sign a financial contract to indicate their preferred payment method.
- Monthly – 10, 11, or 12 months through FACTS
- Quarterly – 4 Payments (one each quarter/every 9 weeks) through FACTS
- Semi Annual – 2 Payments (one for each semester) through FACTS
- Annual – 1 Payment (before start of school around August 15th) through FACTS
- Annual – 1 Payment (before July 31st) directly to MVCA
- 529 Plan – Either one annual payment or 2 semi annual payments. We will not be able to adjust this method to a monthly or quarterly plan.
- HOPE Scholarship (WV residents) - If you are applying for the HOPE Scholarship (WV residents) you will still need to set up a payment plan from the above list since the payments from the HOPE scholarships are typically delayed.
Tuition assistance applications are made through FACTS. For additional information or help with the financial forms, please contact our Director of Finance, Mr. Gary Bordelon.
Class Scheduling: Secondary students will make their class and elective selections.
Code of Conduct: Parents and students will review and sign the Student Code of Conduct agreement.
Take the Next Step
Interested in Mountain View Christian Academy? Schedule a tour at your convenience with one of our administrators.